Community Voices
The Power of the Network
The National Minority Quality Forum launched AI HealthNet (AIHN) as the first-ever collaborative health information and data channel. AIHN connects health information authors to black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in an environment that can be trusted.
AIHN Mission
Provide needed information and tools to help BIPOC communities make good health decisions.
It is a bridge between black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) serving community-based organizations (CBOs) and federally qualified health clinics (FQHCs) on one side and trusted healthcare content providers on the other.
By conducting active and continuous conversations on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.) with hyperlinked to concisely written content microsites and the organizational microsites of CBOs and FQHCs, makes AIHN is a well-designed communications network able to guide BIPOC audiences to trusted information that can better inform their health decisions.

Social Media: The Crisis of Unfiltered Content and Disinformation
Social media is an important source of health information, but a significant percentage of this information is either disinformation or folk wisdom.
Disinformation is published to confuse Americans so that they dismiss science-based health information as not credible, resulting in avoidable deaths and hospitalizations.
The freedom to speak means folk wisdom will continue to be broadcast on social media, crowding out curated content supported by science.

BIPOC and Social Media Amplifying Trusted Voices
Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) who relied upon social media for their health information are frequently the targets of agents of disinformation. They also have a historic distrust of information delivered by health systems and government agencies, which fosters a willingness to accept folk wisdom over science.
Yet, there are voices they trust who can deliver evidence-based health information to BIPOC, but they have limited capacity to deliver that information via social media. If organized and resourced these trusted voices, could drown out folk wisdom and disinformation by playing a more central role in delivering curated health information to BIPOC at a moment when the information would be valued and used.
What is AIHN
AIHN consists of a data aggregation application and a network of microsites.
The AIHN Application
The application brings together trusted health information from multiple sources to one place, enabling communities to make informed decisions about their health and safety.
A Network of Microsites
AIHN is a vast network of two types of microsites: 1) organizational microsites; 2) content microsites.
AIHN Microsites
Organizational Microsites
Organizational microsites on AIHN are the homepages of a wide variety of approved public and private organizations. AI HealthNet is designed to amplify their voices in the virtual world over that of purveyors of folk wisdom and disinformation.
Content Microsites
Trusted health information is published on AIHN as a network of content microsites. Each microsite is a concisely written website, built to deliver a specific bit of information optimized to provide a quick, authoritative response to search queries and to behavior indicating interest. They are designed to give audiences the option to get more information through hyperlinks, drawing them into a nondirective conversation. The goal is not to drive behavior but to equip BIPOC communities with trusted information that they can use to make informed decisions about their health.
AI HealthNet
AIHN is a multicultural, digital network of BIPOC serving community-based organizations (CBOs) and federally qualified health clinics (FQHCs) organized to help companies deliver health information to minorities through trusted voices in the community.